The Pandemic
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2): a zoonotic coronavirus of unconfirmed origin as of March 2020. Most researchers believe it stemmed from a bat source with possible intermediate species (perhaps pangolins).
Unite For The Divided Cause
Associated Interests If you happen to be in any profession, field, organisation, group or association that would like to help us pass this information along; to have as many American Citizens that would like to be part of this collaboration to be notified would be appreciated and would help greatly. Not a Registered User? Register…
Our Vision There is a time more than ever before for to unite this great nation and not divide us. A Professional, Responsible, Productive Social Media Platform with Blogs and Chat rooms is available and active with regards to “We The People For The People” as we“Rise Above” to unite these United States of America. Once you Register and Log In the site will…
Our Mission is to “Rise Above” , evaluate the functionality of our government, and have the true people’s voice listened to as we work together to cure our nation for the greater good. Not a Registered User? Register Here More info: Our Mission
Our Past Our history is our history good, bad or indifferent and can not be changed as it has already happened. The reason it’s called History. This is the greatest nation in the world, there must have been some success that stemmed from our history. No one person or any system is perfect. Not a…
Our Future The children are our future. Has there been any thought and consideration for them? Children have been in the past few decades or so (perhaps even longer) and now at our present time having their innocence being used to express adult opinions, wants and needs. Our Future depends on our children. Isn’t there…
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2): a zoonotic coronavirus of unconfirmed origin as of March 2020. Most researchers believe it stemmed from a bat source with possible intermediate species (perhaps pangolins).
Our Country The United States of America was founded in 1776, making the country 245 years old as of 2021. There could not have been 245 years of failure. There was tremendous growth as we have seen from 245 years of the original foundation and belief system created. Not a Registered User? Register Here More…
Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Is the US economy headed in the right direction?
Weapons – Guns Let’s be clear, any weapon or gun does not kill anyone. IE: There could be any weapon or gun sitting loaded with a bunch of people surrounding the loaded gun with the safety off and the gun will do absolutely nothing until an irresponsible person picks up the gun to harm someone….
Behaviors Behavior – The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others. Are people acting appropriately towards one another? Join us today to express your opinion. Anyone benefiting recently? Behaviors in America: Demand. Do whatever you want, to whomever you want, take what you want, from who you want and it doesn’t matter…